How Likely Is It to Get Pregnant With Twins Again

A MoM recently asked "Volition you lot post to see how many moms of congenial multiples had 2 sets in a row? I take a set up and am trying to conceive again, but I am terrified of having a second fix of twins!"

Here'southward what our Twiniversity fans had to say:

– I conceived spontaneous identical twin girls after 1 month of getting married. Simply I lost them at xix weeks due to TTTS. iii months afterward losing them I again conceived twins. I am currently 32 weeks pregnant and fingers crossed. ∼ RL

– My doctor told me I have a 75% gamble or greater of conceiving a second ready of twins. The nurses also said they meet a lot of multiple sets of twins! ∼ KT

– I have two sets of congenial twins. The get-go set of twins are viii (male child and daughter) and the 2nd ready of twins are 2 1/2 (girls). All without fertility drugs! ∼ LP

– I have 13-yr-old twin girls, a singleton boy, and then 4-year-old twin boys. ALL 100% spontaneous. I was told, statistically, your chances go up of having twins again once you've had them (especially if there is a family unit history of it). The 2nd set of twins was a surprise pregnancy. ∼ BT

second set of twins

– I have 3 sets of twins and a singleton. The singleton was my second pregnancy. To top it off, the first 5 were born in 3 years! ∼ TT

– I take 11-calendar month-quondam fraternal girls. Am I terrified to accept a 2nd gear up of twins? Not at all. Twins are all I know. I'd struggle with a singleton. ∼ JL

– It also depends on your family history of twins, I've read information technology'south mainly on your mother's side simply I'm not sure of its validity. For instance, there are three sets of twins on my female parent's side, all by first cousins, all girls except a single boy and all congenial. And then odds were I would have fraternal girls fifty-fifty though I didn't know information technology at the time. ∼ AH

– At my first ultrasound, my dr. told me she tin can actually see that I ovulate from both ovaries. Currently, I am a mom of fraternal boys. The hazard of getting meaning with twins again is very high for me, from what I've been told. ∼ YG

– I thought I was the but 1 who would be afraid to accept a second set up of twins. ∼ LK

– I have 2 sets of boy/girl twins conceived without any fertility treatments and I only take one ovary! ∼ BC

– I have four-year-old fraternal twin girls and I am now pregnant with twin boys. My doc said your chances are college each pregnancy. Blessings to you. ∼ TT

– I had two sets of twins. First set up I lost to a miscarriage at 12 weeks. Then I had a single pregnancy and lost at 20 weeks. 1 month later losing my singleton I was significant with fraternal twins who are almost 1 twelvemonth old. Later I had my boys I tied my tubes. I was told another set was definitely possible and that was OUT of the question for me.  ∼ MS

second set of twins

– We conceived our di/di fraternal boys via IVF. They volition be four months old this week. Just found out the gender of the 2 remaining embryos we have in storage: both female! Gahhh. I would like to have a daughter only I don't know about another set of twins. Office of me thinks it would exist awesome, and certainly familiar with having twins is all we know. Merely the practical side of me says no way, particularly equally I'm budgeted forty and would want to go pregnant again soon. Twin toddlers and newborns? Crazy but amazing! ∼ TLS

– I am petrified as well. Nosotros're on the debate about trying again as well. We have fraternal twin boys, I heard the chances of having a 2d set of twins are a lot higher specially if you've had fraternal twins earlier. ∼ SM

– I had ii miscarriages. Then following that had a fix of twins. I definitely think the two are related! ∼ SMA

– Reading the comments I am getting more than scared of trying for a boy. I have fraternal girls twins and really desire a boy, merely don't want twins again. ∼ DC

– I accept congenial twins that are 20 months. I am now significant with a singleton. ∼ MB

– Nosotros take ii sets of identical twin boys. Big boys are ii and footling boys are 11 weeks. ∼ JK

– I accept a 6-twelvemonth-one-time singleton and and so xvi.5-calendar month-old fraternal twins. Statistics practice show that chances of having another ready of congenial twins for me would exist high, as I hyper ovulate and have a family history of twins. We are washed building our family and so I'll never experience this fear thankfully. ∼ DH

– That is why I stopped. I am also scared of having a second set of twins. ∼ DD

second set of twins

– I have fraternal boys and pregnant with a singleton girl. ∼ CL

– I accept 3-year-old fraternal triplet boys and eleven-month old fraternal twin girls. ∼ BP

– My worst nightmare is having another gear up. If I had twins first, I would never have another pregnancy! I am traumatized by my twins so far! They are 11 months old, and someone told me it gets easier. Fingers crossed. ∼ Every bit

– I accept 2 sets of fraternal twin boys. They were 3 years autonomously which I think was a skillful age difference. The older boys were potty trained and could independently play together in one case the babies started moving. Now they are almost v and about 2. Each person has a buddy. Either each twin gear up plays with each other or a big brother plays with a little blood brother. I was nervous most having a singleton and having someone exist left out. ∼ EM

– It gets easier. I thought I was living in hell, and now I'm similar, "OK, I tin can do this". Mine are almost to be 17 months. ∼ AA

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