Blue Mark on the Small of the Baby's Back in Japan

If you're searching for a pet that's gentle and loving, the Russian blue is the perfect true cat to add together to your family.

Russian Blue cat in a white room lying on a shelf

The Russian blue cat appears to be larger than she is because of her extremely dense, soft double coat. She may be a good choice for pet parents with allergies because she doesn't shed much and produces lower levels of the glycoprotein Fel d ane, a known allergen, than other cat breeds.

With her triangular-shaped head, the Russian blue is a long and slender cat. She is fine-boned with large ears, a broad brow and straight nose, making her a very regal animal. Russian blues are known for a natural "smile." In addition to her luxurious silvery glaze, her most distinct features are her brilliant light-green optics.

Despite being slender, the Russian blue is very strong and muscular, although her thick fur often hides her neck and shoulders, giving the impression that her frame is more robust. Her long legs permit her to run at high speeds.


The Russian blue is a sweet-tempered, loyal cat who will follow her owner everywhere, and so don't exist surprised if she greets you at the front door! While she has a trend to attach to one pet parent in detail, she demonstrates affection with her whole family and demands it in render. It's said that Russian blues railroad train their owners rather than the owners preparation them, a legend that'due south been proven true fourth dimension and again.

They are very social creatures simply besides enjoy lonely time and will actively seek a quiet, private nook in which to sleep. They don't mind too much if yous're abroad at work all day, but they do crave a lot of playtime when you are home. Russian blues tend to shy away from visitors and may hide during large gatherings.

Living With:

Russian blueish cats are highly intelligent animals and require concrete and mental stimulation, so it'south of import to give them access to toys at all times. They retain a strong hunting instinct, then a feathered fishing pole toy is the perfect plaything. Consider storing these types of toys in a cat-proof spot because: (a) your kitty will tear it to shreds, and (b) she may eat the feathers and/or the string, neither of which are skillful for her digestive system or overall health.

If you maintain a good hygiene routine, your Russian blue volition require minimal grooming and healthcare. In that location are several necessary items for keeping a cat comfortable subsequently adoption, such as investing in a toothbrush and cat-safe toothpaste (yous tin find these items for purchase at your local pet shop or online) to keep her teeth clean and white, and a medium-toothed comb to keep her double glaze smooth and luxurious. I of import slice of Russian blue cat brood data is that these kitties beloved mealtime, so make sure that she doesn't overeat. She probably asks for food multiple times a day, but remain house and stick to regularly scheduled feedings, using measured amounts of cat food, and avoid too many cat treats.

Much like her Siamese relative, the Russian bluish is very song, and she'll use her voice to communicate with her pet parents when she wants to play, eat, or snuggle. She'southward both observant and persistent, always ensuring that her needs are met. She doesn't adapt well to change, such every bit varying repast times or unknown visitors, so expect to hear well-nigh it! She'll respond positively if yous antipodal back-and-forth with her on a regular basis, which means you're never truly alone when you have a Russian blue fur baby.

Russian Blue cat with big green eyes in profile


Not much is known about this rare breed; however, information technology is believed that the Russian bluish originates from northern Russian federation, specifically the Archangel Isles. According to the Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA), cat rumor has it that "the Russian blueish brood descended from the cats kept by the Russian Czars. Assuming the Russian blue did drift from northern Russian federation, it was likely via transport to England and northern Europe in the mid-1860s." Equally early on equally the sixteenth century, recorded history shows that trade ships passed between this territory and the British Isles, and the Vikings were agile in both regions centuries prior, but there is no mention of the Russian bluish cat until the nineteenth century.

Equally the CFA further explains, the Russian blue cat made its first public appearance in 1875 in a very royal way: exhibited at London's Crystal Palace equally the "Archangel Cat." The Crystal Palace was constructed nether the leadership of Prince Albert, hubby of Queen Victoria, as the location of The Great Exhibition in 1851 and thereafter was used to showroom items of involvement (living and otherwise) to the people of Victorian London, and the attractions held international entreatment every bit well. Past middle of the nineteenth century, "cat shows" had become regular and pop events.

It's no surprise that such a stately cat has such purple roots, with its sleek, sophisticated demeanor. Although it was exhibited alongside other bluish cats, by 1912, the Russian blue was given its own classification, points out Vetstreet, after its introduction to the Usa in the early 1900s. Nonetheless, says the CFA, the breed really took ahold of pet lovers' hearts after World State of war II, and it has been gaining popularity steadily since the 1960s.


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